Wednesday, September 15, 2010

"Year of Jubilee"

Our church recently had a World Outreach Jubilee, focusing on missions. Our main goal was to raise $12,000 for a soup kitchen in Haiti. All week long we were so blessed by outstanding men of God, each of whom had a heart for missions. The preaching & music were incredible. The missionaries that spoke were eye opening. The familiar faces from past jubilee days were present and hearts were once again reconnected. I had flashbacks from previous jubilees. Those memories are priceless. I was delighted that my kids were too getting to experience the late nights at church and then rising early the next day to go to school!!!

This Jubilee was the vision of one lady in our church. There was many weeks of prayer, planning and sacrifices made. However, all the man hours invested into this Jubilee could not of accomplished what actually happened in those 5 days. Only God. What seemed like a huge goal of $12,000 (considering the times we are living in), was met. However, it just wasn't met. God showed up and showed out and with his moving, we raised a total of $34,000!! Twenty-eight Thousand will go directly to the soup kitchen in Haiti!!! (Jubilee expenses for the rest).

Pretty Incredible, uh???

Just goes to show you & me, we serve a BIG God and he thinks big too. Referring back to my August 23rd post, I confess that I had put God in a box for the amount to be raised. I didn't think we'd make the goal of $12K, I thought that we might come close, but I just didn't know if we could pull that one off. HA!!!! Thank you God for showing me (once again) how BIG you are.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,...." Matthew 28:19

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