Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A new school year!!

Well, we have had two days of this new school year and so far, so good. Some of you know our story, however, some of you may not. Since I am no longer working fulltime, some of things that we once were able to do (attend a private school), we no longer can participate in. With that being said, the kids started public school yesterday. Although we gave up some geat things by leaving our former school (daily Bible lessons, weekly scripture memorization, and Friday morning chapels); we are also experience some NEW great things and I'm so excited about this school year.

Why am I so excited you might ask??? This school year will allow me to experience a first: Getting to pick my kids up in car line. My man warned me all weekend about the nightmare of the traffic that I would face come Monday afternoon. I wanted to argue and tell him "aw, it won't be that bad" but I didn't. Instead, yesterday, I sat so proudly in that LONG LONG lined and just smiled. Ear to Ear I might add. I was hot and a little sticky, but I was smiling.

As I turned into the school's drive, the principal was there with the walkie talkie, and I proudly announced I was there to pick up Tori & Hayden Smith. For any stay at home moms with school age children, this may be a dreaded chore each day. But, I am truly delighted to get to do this. My kids have always had to attend afterschool care (which is such a blessing for working parents) but this year is special. And I intend on enjoying every minute of it, because you never know when God will allow a curve ball to come and re-arrange your schedule. (and by the way, I'm okay with that)

Hayden asked on the way to school, "Mom, do I go to car line today?" and I replied, "Yes, son, you will everyday!" and then he made the statement that all kids probably fear, "mom, please don't forget to come!" I just laughed and assured him that I would never. (Lord, please help me to never forget to pick them up!!" )

Thanks for allowing me to share. I hope those that teach our children and those that have little ones have a blessed school year.

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

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